Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The end.
We have carefully and prayerfully worked in seeking to know if these accusations were true, and do not give our testimony lightly, understanding how destructive this information is to so many people's lives. We have nothing to gain from writing this letter to you and everything to lose for through it, we compromise the work we have done through out the year, and our plans to continue working with a home we have come to love. But, it is our moral obligation to make a stand for what is just and right, and let those who have invested so much faith and monetary support be aware of what has been taking place in secret for so many years.
We first came to know about Sam's conduct through a close friend of ours and niece to Sam. After months of a friendship, she began to confide in us about the sexual misconduct at the home pleading for us to help, or at least speak to the girls about their rights. Sharing a close friendship with Sam, and believing him to be a moral man, we struggled with this information knowing that rumors and false accusations are commonplace in Uganda. We did speak to the girls about their God-given right of choice and personal control of their body. Throughout the year, Kami read nightly through a book based on Hosea's wife, seeking to show God's redemptive love to those who have been used and mistreated, and the beauty they contain within themselves. We wanted each of the girls to know that even in a male-dominated society they still had great worth and always had a choice, especially when it came to how they would use their own bodies.
As the months went on we began to see certain things that bothered us. First, whenever Juliet, a 16 year-old who had been on the streets as a prostitute came home from boarding school, she lived in Sam's room. Sam often allows many of the children to sleep in his room and keeps his door open, so as strange as this seems, we did not think too much of it at the time. But, one day as Chris went into the room, he found Sam wearing no clothes, moving to cover himself and Juliet re-clothing herself. First, let us make it very clear that no sexual misconduct was seen, but enough of an implication was left for us to begin taking stock in the stories we had been hearing.
In the same period, our former matron asked Kami if it was normal to have to sleep with an employer to keep one's job, telling Kami this was the normal situation in Uganda. She was soon there after let go.
In the last two months, as we began to become more concerned about this situation and constantly prayed for truth, more people revealed the same information about Sam, including former volunteers on two separate occasions, former boys who had lived in the home, workers, and current children.
The following lines are the way they have come to place:
During the last holiday, when our oldest boy returned from boarding school, he confided in Kami about concerns that his girlfriend (a teacher at our primary school near his age) was being unfaithful. One day he came to Kami in tears telling her what he had found. Sam had given her a phone (a donation we had received from a church) and on the phone were messages from Sam asking her to sleep with him, confessing love and affection and wanting her to come to him. She admitted to accepting invitations to go to the Sauna with Sam. Our oldest boy was heartbroken looking to us for advice on what he should do in a situation like this.
We decided to talk to our cook and matron individually, explaining them our concerns and asking them to be honest with us about Sam's conduct with them. They both explained that “yes Daddy did tell them in their interview he would ask them from time to time to sleep with him, and had many times, but if they refused, as long as they continued to work hard, he would not fire them.” They both thought this was something not too serious, and said they refused to sleep with him regularly. We pressed them explaining it was something to be taken very seriously and asked them about his conduct with the young girls at the home (12-16 years old.) They replied that the girls just needed to know that Daddy wouldn't force them and to say no. They said, “that the problem rested in them lacking maturity to know they could say 'no'.” They also told us several of the girls had come to them upset about Daddy trying to kiss them or touch them inappropriately, and did not want to bring food into his room.
At this time we were also planning for the music tour and received emails from a former volunteer, warning us of deception in the past and refusing to support Sam because of his manipulation and many moral reasons.
On two separate occasions, the first in 2001, and the second only just over a year ago, the same sexual misconduct accusations were brought against Sam resulting in the volunteer's names being ruined in Uganda, cut sponsorship, and many of the boys leaving or being sent away from the home. We had heard stories of both, but in each, we had heard they were people trying to take over the home and tarnish Sam's name for their own benefit.
But, recently, we have learned this was not the case:
After hearing more and more stories about Sam, and having only prayer to rely on, we went to seek advice from a missionary here in Uganda, who has worked in this country for over 40 years. Before we even explained the struggle we were having, he informed us he was fully aware of Sam's sexual misconduct from previous volunteers in 2001. He knew them personally and said they thought the world of Sam and faithfully worked with him until they found that he was sleeping with many of the girls. Being powerless without proof, they attempted to take pictures and ascertain specific evidence without avail. Unless the girls testified against Sam themselves, nothing would happen. But, because of Sam's power in Uganda, and the fear for their lives being ruined, the girls would say nothing until the volunteers ensured them they would be taken care of and gave each money so they could sustain a livelihood without Sam. 20 females came forward against Sam and he fled arrest for over a year. When he returned, he was imprisoned for two weeks and then all charges were dropped.
(We do not have any evidence for bribery or unlawful conduct) but we do know from workers and family that Sam had a very nice house in Kampala before this trial, and after his release no longer owned the house.
Whatever happened in the situation, Sam was released, the volunteers were forced to leave, and any boys Sam thought might have supported the volunteers were sent away.
A very close friend of ours who lives in the village recently confided in us that he had been living at the home during this time. He explained that all the boys at the home knew it was taking place and anyone Daddy suspected as a threat to him, including this boy, were sent away.
We had also known of a girl taking boys from the home in the past. We believed on Sam's word she was deranged and sleeping with some of the boys and had wanted to start a home for herself to get money. He told us she gave each of the boys a kiss on the mouth and told them to leave with her in the middle of the night.
From former volunteer letters, we learned that they too had been accused of sleeping with the boys as well. So, anytime volunteers have begun to suspect Sam of misconduct, their names have been tarnished and smeared. (As if a long line of volunteers have brought money in, worked here selflessly and then tried to destroy the home for their own gain.)
Recently, we have heard the true story of this woman: She, like us, was working here and fell in love with the children, and then discovered the sexual misconduct that was taking place. Without any proof or any power, she asked her father for money to rent a building and took as many boys as would leave away in the night. Many of these boys still live in the home she started today.
And then we learned even more devastating news. This had happened only September 2007! When Sam came to America in early November to meet us and seek support, almost all sponsorship had been lost for unexplained reasons.
Instead of being skeptical, based on Sam's story and moral demeanor, plus the urgent need the children were in, we jumped in with both feet and began raising the necessary support for the home.
This was 12 months ago. From that time until now, we have been working tirelessly to provide the best situation possible for this home. All money has gone directly through us and been accounted for since our arrival and because financial corruption was the main fear we concerned ourselves with, we felt confident in asking for your faith and support in this home. Daily, weekly, and monthly we have met with Sam and lived with the children being apart of all functions in the home, accounting for each and trying to the best of our ability to maintain complete transparency. In wanting to see this home continue for many years into the future and assist Sam in his retirement, we both agreed to stay on past our year commitment, offering not just years, but a commitment of our life, whether stateside or here to sustain this home and help these kids grow into well-balanced adults. For all of these reasons, when we began to learn the truth, it was the most devastating blow of our lives, shaking us to our core.
But we felt that a strong enough friendship had grown with Sam and that if we approached the situation in love, and complete forgiveness, we could work through the situation. We saw the only real option was to accept his requests that we take over the home, help work towards his retirement, provided that he stepped down and removed all girls from under his care. It was the hardest decisions of our lives and both of us spent days and nights in prayer trying to understand the responsibility of what we were undertaking. But, our affirmation came in our love for the kids, and the commitment we have that no girls should live under such oppression, fear or abuse. We knew that if we informed sponsors before talking with him, Sam would not even listen.
Our talk with Sam went as badly as we could have conceived. We told him that we loved him, offered our forgiveness but had to bring these things to light. He had spoken to us continuously about standing up for what was right and just, and because he was misusing his power and doing what was morally corrupt in the eyes of both man and God, we told him we held firmly that it had to stop. If he would allow us to work towards his retirement and raise money for the sustainment of the home for the following year, we would help him in whatever ways we could. It was not about us or him, but about these children and the work that is so valuable. He did not consider what we said for a moment. A change came over his eyes and in second he went from seeing us as friends and instead saw us only as threats. He demanded proof and for us to bring any girl before him that would say he had touched her. We told him we would not speak to him of any girl, nor would we say any names. We also would not go to the police. We were here as his friends. He refused and said we could prove nothing. At this, we told him the only other option was to make all sponsors aware of what was happening, and what kind of lifestyle the director of the home they were supporting was living. His eyes grew even darker and he rose from the bed screaming repeatedly for us to get out of his room, and that he was not a pauper and did not need us.
We both left the conversation deeply hurt. But, we needed to continue to try. We spoke again the next day. This conversation was much more calm, but even more damaging. In a very diplomatic, but manipulative way he explained that he was not doing what people were accusing him of, and played on our emotional connection to the children asking us to stay until our agreed upon times. He brought up things people had told him about us, saying children had spread lies or accused us of misconduct too, and should he believe them? Should he tell the sponsors? In every way, he turned the conversation on us and put the children before him like a shield. Kami and I could say nothing. We knew the truth, and now watched him lie to us and try and manipulate the situation to his favor.
We left and again were at a loss. We love these children. We did not want to leave them and were completely powerless in the situation. Sam owns all the land and the buildings, and the board here in Uganda are made up of his friends. He knows the president personally and many judges, and both times that we knew people had brought these charges against him before, they had failed and were forced to leave, their names tarnished and their reputations ruined in the country. We prayed daily. We asked for God to show us a clear path. After two weeks, we found to our horror that his behavior had increased. He had sent messages, which we saw ourselves, telling teachers and workers he would provide them with a full month of food if they would sleep with him, and our cook, whose room lies adjacent to the girls' reported Sam continually entering their room late at night for extended periods of time.
And finally, we found out that Sam told his daughter (who is completely unaware of any of the misconduct) we had been spreading lies about him, and that he would let the situation quiet down and let us keep raising money for the home and the kids, and once we left, not allow us back.
We have been manipulated with children as leverage. Sam has used them to deflect the actual child and women sex crimes. This has happened to all those who have worked here in the past.
We have evaluated all sides of the problem but find ourselves completely powerless. No girls will stand against Sam and he will not be brought to justice by Ugandan law. Bribery and corruption are apart of all levels of government, and even missionaries and mentors have made it known to us that there is no judge that cannot be paid off in Uganda.
Our only ability to stop this misuse of power is to bring Sam's addiction into the light and make it known to you who support this man and his home.
We know that the children, who are innocent, are caught in the crossfire, but Sam's lies and manipulation of sponsors spreads even to his stories about these children. In trying to understand what steps to take, we have found that only 5 of the children left in the home are actually from the streets of Kampala but have reached the age of adulthood. We have also discovered that every child in the home has living relatives or parents they can live with. (They may not be great situations, but they are not destitute or starving and still have options for education.)
For us to continue in this capacity, we would only be supporting his lifestyle, and allowing ourselves to be manipulated further.
It is with the deepest pain we offer this request:
We can assure you that the money you have sent has gone to the children's welfare and neither Sam, nor we, received any salary from your money. When we return, we will send out an end of the year report listing every donation received and where the money was spent. Sam's position and power has allowed him to act in these malicious ways, and it is this we are trying to stop, not the caring for of these children.
Although to leave them is the hardest thing either of us has ever had to do, we have found some peace in understanding that God took care of them for many years before we arrived and will continue to do so afterward. They will be cared for.
Lastly, we need to ask you above all things, to not lose hope or faith in doing what is good in the world. We ask that you continue to love and support good works despite the possibility of deception. Deceit exists everywhere, and there are always men and women who will use the innocence of others to feed their greed. It is this exact reason we can never stop doing what is right, continually seeking to care for and love those in need, especially children.
Pray for these children. Pray for the work going on all over the world. And never stop supporting those who are going to do this work.
We understand how much pain this letter will cause and that you may have many questions you need answered.
We will be returning to the states within the month. Kami will be returning within the next couple of weeks and Chris will be staying in Uganda until the end of the month. In this way, we can answer your question in person, over the phone or through email. We have asked you to have a great deal of faith in us and the work that has been going on, so we will work in every way possible to answer or meet any needs you have for us, whether stateside through Kami, or here in Uganda through Chris.
With the deepest appreciation for your love and support
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I believe in miracles...where you from you sexy thing, you sexy thing you
In the past 9 months I have seen miracles. I want to share a few! Sit down and go back with me...
Mid-day a few months back Chris and I were picking up necessities from town. We pulled out into traffic only to be hit by a boda boda driver. FYI: when driving in Uganda and an accident occurs, it is advised to “hit and run” or kill the victim. Why? You ask. Welp, mob justice is brutal here. For hitting someone the entire village may kill or beat you. If you hit vs. kill someone, you are better off when drug to court of paying a flat funeral fee then paying for the care of an injured person.
Of course we disregard these heartless instructions and are immediately surrounded by the entire town. Yelling, shouting, and lots of Lugandan voices. I am imagining the worse. I look out my window at a man standing right beside the passenger window(on the left side). He looks at me and smiles, “Don't be afraid”, he said, “it will be okay”. He tagged along with us to a hospital to translate and help us out. He would accept no payment for his time and was such a joy to have around. I have never seen him again.
For four weeks I had a nasty infection. It was mostly stress related, go figure. But I had awful sores on my feet that refused to heal and new sores popping up every day. Each sore would get infected immediately, growing bigger and more painful every minute. Lymph nodes I only knew existed from nursing classes were inflamed. I could hardly walk or continue to work. I was useless. I put off going to the doctor for lack of money and fear of looking like a wimpy baby mama. But eventually, the infection wore me completely down and I gave in. Money was deposited in my account the day I decided to go without my knowledge. I ended up going to a British clinic I swore I would not return to. I walked into the doctor's office. I told him of my symptoms. He asked me what I was doing in Uganda. He asked me how? He then said, “I hope you believe in God.”
The next thirty minutes I was in tears as he instructed me to hand over all my worry and stress to Him. He told me that God is our Great Physician. We had such an amazing, uplifting conversation that when it ended I almost walked out of the office, paid my consultation fee, and left. He put some bandages on my wounds and prescribed me an anti-biotic. After four weeks of infection, I healed completely in four days.
Besides angel encounters, moments of provision happen everyday it seems. Sunday we were out of food and money. Two boys from the village came by with sweet potatoes from their garden. That evening, a friend gave us 20,000 shillings. Often times, we are on our knees praying for something to happen. The next hour or day, money is deposited into our bank account, or visitors show up with donations they are excited to give.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
wee little update
Sunday the kids dress in their best. Shoes and all! We then walk together to church down the road. Chris and Frank have began involvement in the prison ministry with the church. Chris is preaching and sharing many skits from our years in camp. Frank has a real heart for ministry!
Our bore hole is up and running perfectly thanks to you! We are having no problems and only having to pump 100 or so times to fill a jerry can instead of over 400 pumps! It is a real back saver. Don't worry, we are having the kids do push-ups to make up for the exercise lost! Just kidding!
Juliet, Meeme, and Mohamed are studying hard to prepare for their exams. Meeme is in P.7, Juliet in S.4, and Mohamed is in S.6, all levels in school in which exams are extremely important and weighting on ones future education. They will sit for their exams at the beginning of November. Mock exams take place soon! Please keep them in your prayers. As far as the schools are concerned, we are near completion of licensing Kampala City School and keeping it open! A friend's nonprofit is looking over the possibility of taking on a project to build onto Kampala City School and build a classroom for St. Thomas Primary School as well. Kampala City School is in need of dormitories for borders and two more classrooms as St. Thomas is lacking a P.5 classroom. Let us pray this takes place and building begins in January as planned.
Health update: No recent malaria cases! Although, worms are a big problem here. A few of the boys are dealing with the stomach pain worms bring. We are treating them case by case to the best we can with the resources we have. Scrapes and cuts happen daily and due to the tropical climate during this rainy season, healing takes a bit longer. With the rainy season also comes more coughs and cold symptoms, which are are treating as well. To reduce on the amount of sickness that goes through these precious kids, it is our hope to get a water purifier at the home. This will decrease on the waterborne illnesses that are so rampant. Water purifiers are $125 designed by a professor at Makerere University here in Kampala.
A new cook has arrived! She is notoriously fabulous and loves the kids as well as gets along great with our matron. Both women, Beatrice, the cook, and Vitas, our matron, are a huge blessing to our home and the children here.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
September 26th ish...I've lost track of days
We return after an extended run through pouring rain and slippery mud slides with three stocks of sugarcane; our treasure! I hack and hack, preparing pieces of sugarcane for each child. Of course a bit of bickering over the largest piece takes place....but what are children without that? We tear into the stock nearly breaking my fragile teeth. The children, of course, have no problem. Amidst spitting and yelling for homework to be done, I search for small shillings to cover the cost of firewood and charcoal for dinner tonight.
As the smoke sneaks out of our makeshift chimney, my dirty fingers point to number 3 of Sebuma's math homework. I find myself becoming frustrated with myself for being frustrated he does not know 33/3! Who is his math teacher anyway? Ha ha. I failed them somewhere didn't I....?
All in all, life is flowing and lovely. God is ever faithful and I am learning and growing each day. Growing is not always an easy task and many times pain is involved, but looking back, the change is always beneficial and beautiful. I am thankful for every experience.
I do have to say I am looking forward to coming home. Leaving is going to be a heart wrenching experience, but returning home will be so refreshing.
That is all for now. Please continue to check out the more readily updated blog at http://dorcaschildrenshome.blogspot.com
Much better! ha ha
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
And today I am missing you all...
Speaking of water, our bore hole (or well) is in desperate need of repair. If we do not get the repair done soon, we are going to have a “crisis” as Sam has said. The nearest water hole is a pretty far distance away and would require a lot of time and energy to transport all the water needed for the home. Plus, some of the income needed for basis everyday things like firewood, transport, milk, and tomatoes will cease to exist if the bore hole is broken. In other, more positive news, a fence went up around St. Thomas, our Nursery and Primary School. Some fencing was left over from the wedding so the school was able to benefit from the festivities!
Joe Hedrick, a very dear friend of mine from Lipscomb, has just returned for school. His presence here with the boys and the support he provide me will be sorely missed. He was here for the last two months and helped out more than I can describe. He will be returning for his senior year of college and to pursue his music career. With all this going on in his life, he has still committed to the home and has agreed to begin a non-profit that will directly benefit Dorcas Children's Home. If you know anything about anything in regards to beginning a non-profit, please contact Joe and give him any advice you may have. Please refrain from sending any discouraging notes as we are not ready for ridicule and negativity. Joe's email address is: hedrickjd@mail.lipscomb.edu
Chris has returned in one piece and the boys were ecstatic. Thanks to the support of everyone back home, he was able to come with all of the supplies we have been needing for quite awhile now. A huge thanks to everyone who took the time out of their busy schedules to help us out. The kids have enjoyed all the letters, gifts, toys, clothes, school supplies, and medicine. You all have been such a great support to the work being done here.
This morning, our two visitors from Spain and Czech Republic taught the kids basic language lessons. Mikal and Dosha have been here a week now and will be continuing on towards South Africa soon. The kids really enjoyed the new vocabulary. This afternoon we plan on doing games focused on team work and of course gobs of fun. Laura, a friend of Chris, is here from Canada. She will be leaving on the 4th of September. She is a very talented artist and has been teaching many of the kids how to paint. Which they are loving by the way. Currently, she is redoing the library so it is more kid friendly. We are looking forward to this new addition to the home very much. Also, we have just had a meeting concerning a woman in New York who is putting on an art exhibit. She has requested that our children do art to showcase at the show. All of the money made from selling the art pieces will come back directly to the home! What a great fund raiser huh!?! Laura has begun to put together ideas that will be related to the culture here but will also be appealing to crowds in America.
Besides the non-profit, the art fund raiser, new language lessons, and the coming and going of volunteers here, we have been working on some new and exciting ideas as well. We are trying to put together enough funding to bring all the kids to America for a one to two month tour of traditional music and dance. We have a phenomenal teacher and just recently a professional drum set was donated to the home thanks to Joe. Also, we have been really praying about the need for school improvement. So we have been working with others to fund raise for school needs. And last but definitely not least, we have been brainstorming and beginning conversations with the board members and different organizations and individuals concerning Sam's retirement. He has agreed to stay on another year, but with just one year and so much work to be done, we need to be conscience about the change and working toward a positive new director. Lately we have been chatting with a great group of people with Cornerstone, a local NGO. I will keep you updated on how these conversations turn out.
Here is a recent letter that has been sent out regarding the latest project here at Dorcas:
To those with the best interest at heart for Dorcas Children's Home,
As we write this letter sounds flood our ears. The sounds consist of drum beats, dancing feet, clapping hands, and small voices raising in song. The boys have a dream of one day performing that which they have worked so hard for. What is it that they have been working on you may ask? Great question. We will be privileged to inform you.
The children at Dorcas Children's Home are training and putting together a beautiful performance of traditional dance, music, and song. These children were born to perform. More than that, they deserve to be heard and deserve to be seen. There is more than a good show to put on, but a powerful story to hear.
We are writing to you because we know that you know and care about the lives of Bosco, Meddy, Juliet, Reagan, Abudul and many others. We need you and want you to jump on board. Here is the plan we are concocting: Take the boys and girls to tour in America to share their talents and their story, get the word out about Dorcas Children's Home, and give the kids a rare opportunity to travel and learn.
Our intended tour goal is April and May. Currently we are getting help from Sessanga Juliet, a very talented and well-known musician, performer, and teacher. She has agreed to train the boys and girls to the best of her ability and prepare them for the demands of the performance lifestyle. By December, we will have passports, visas, costumes, and flight details worked out for all of the group to come to America. Kami will be returning to the states in January to organize the tour state side and arrange for transport, performance times, lodging, educational tours, etc.
Here is where you come in to the picture. We are somewhat handicapped geographically from here in Uganda. Since we are in a third-world country with no financial resources at our fingertips, we must branch out and request the assistance from those with resources. That is the beauty of differences in people. Without people from all walks of life and in different circumstances and situations, nothing could ever be accomplished effectively.
First, please think and pray about whether you would like to be involved in the process of fund raising for this exciting dream. We cannot do this without alternative funding due to the strain it would put on the home's ability to provide food and school fees. We also do not want to put any unnecessary inconvenience upon you. It is the hope that we allow this to fall into place as God allows it. We do not want to push something that is not in God's will.
Fund raising can take many shapes and forms, whether it is in the shape of a benefit dinner/concert or in the form of a percentage of proceeds from your personal business. Our support is behind you 100% and we want to work with you to see that you have all the information and documentation you need to make fund raising successful.
The amount of support you have given to Dorcas Children's Home already is phenomenal and we cannot thank you enough. Let us know if you have questions and feedback.
With love and joy,
All of us here at Dorcas Children's Home
Friday, July 18, 2008
Catching you up: so many joys and trials take place everyday that you may fall asleep if I write all of them. What do you say we get a cup of tea one day in the future and I will try to entertain you with some of the many? As for now, this is what a normal day usually looks like.
My days now consist of waking just before 7:00 a.m. to the knock of a need or hot water being brought for the day. It is then a sudden explosion of activity. I run outside to the bathroom for a “short call” in the long drop before another knock wakes whomever may be rooming with me at the time before their scheduled wakeup. Pencils and pens are needed, homework kept safe in my room must be distributed, Frank needs money for transport, Vetus needs money for tomatoes for the lunch they will begin preparing, the storage room key cannot be found, and Musisi is sick. Then it is off to school. We have now been through 3 Headmasters whom have all swindled money, leaving the school in a bit of a pinch. Luckily I know how to run a school? I have been entrusted with the responsibility of recording, holding, and spending all of the funds for the school and the home. So after peeling children from my now completely unfeasible arms, I hand out the money to the cook for charcoal and sugar for porridge, to the deputy teacher for breakfast for the teachers, and the afternoon teachers for their lunches. Chalk is needed in the schoolhouse. School fees need to be recorded and receipts written and class is about to begin. I have grown a fondness for teaching after these 6 months. By no means would I qualify myself as a teacher, but I have adapted and enjoy it most of the time. After lunch there are wounds to heal, clothes to wash, school shoes to brush, homework to be done, games to play, English to be taught, the garden to be tended to, mango walks to be had, beans to pick, water to fetch, and bathing to finally take place. Marvin, Choto and Eddi have fungus on their head bones so my room is an open clinic after prayers and singing. Sola Bulungi to everyone. Kisses on the heads… ope that one has fungus. eee.
So far diseases on my end have been minimal. A slight case of ringworm and just since Tuesday a bad case of Strep throat. Everyone in the village told me it was for sure malaria. Thank goodness it was absolutely incorrect. Woo whoo!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Oh my goodness I promise I am still alive I just am possibly the worst blogger ever in history.
You know that feeling when you miss a friend's birthday? You have already bought them a present but by the time you remember you missed the birthday you feel it is too late to call, run into them, or give them the present...That is about how I feel now writing on here. It has been well over a month...okay safe to say a month and a half. My humble apology is all I have to offer and a few stories that may make it worth it. ooo and maybe a few pictures if they have the decency to load: