Wednesday, May 28, 2008

6 a.m. Little hands knock on our door. School is back in session. Pencils are needed, bandages wanted, homework books need to be collected, money for charcoal and tomatoes for the day. Groggally walk to the shop to fetch the milk from the only small refridgerator like machine in the village. Eat breakfast while preparing for class. No, I have left procrastination behind.
7:30 a.m. Off to school. Teaching is going much much better. I have learned to accept the relaxed style of teaching and learned to cope with the amount of stress I feel from not having students in P3 that are unable to read.
2:00 Lunch. I will forever, once back in the states eat salads and fresh vegetables. Only. After cooked till dead food everyday including and yes, limited too: potatoes, cabbage, beans, rice. But somehow it is still good and keeps us going. Food smood. ooo side note, we had visitors here from Colorado, and they were so wonderful and bought pizza for the entire home! The boys had pizza for the first time in their lives! They loved it by the way. Who would have thought?! Much better than posho...somehow.
Enough with the time table. After lunch we are now going into Kasubi to the market to buy posho, beans, rice, cooking oil (all of which the prices have sky rocketed...eee ugh). Haggling and just living life. Prices are poop right now. Gas is just a bit less than $10 US dollars a gallon. Posho has doubled since January. Not so good here as far as prices go.
As far as life goes, the boys are great and well. Senfuka has chicken pox and with the calamine lotion, he sure is a sight. But he is a trucker and is handling it with class.
The boys are loved and full of joy.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I was just thinking about you yesterday - wondering how this week is for you. Time is flying by! Can you believe it's the end of May already? I know you are doing a world of good for those sweet boys, in the name of Jesus. Good stuff, young lady.